Saturday, September 5, 2009

How to say “no” to the child and stick to it.

As parents we may have experienced the situation where our child starts throwing a temper in order to get what they want. Most of the time we get them the things that they want just because of embarrassment we may have to go if our child throw themselves on the floor and start shouting. But is it right approach? Or should parents say strictly no to their child’s demand?

We should keep one thing in mind that if we always say “no” to them they will get frustrated, irritated and rebellious. As we are the parents we have to decide first “Is their demand reasonable?” If yes, there is very much ground to say yes to the child and fulfill their demands. Saying yes most of the time will make them to take our “no” seriously. All we know that children are very soft hearted and always expect love from their parents. Tackling child is the challenge for every parent. But we should not satisfy their demands which are not reasonable as this behavior of parents may let the child to manipulate their parents.

If we feel that their demand is not reasonable, we should strictly say “no” and should stick to our “no” even if our child start throwing their fit. Saying no is ok but we should explain why we have said “no” to them. If the child is in anger and not listening to you, it’s better to be calm and let your child also get calm down then explain them the reason but stick to your “no”.

As a parent we have to set rules and disciplines but should not hurt our child. We should also let the child to learn from their mistake but should keep our eye on them so that they do not put them in danger or any serious problem.

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1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree to the article completely.
    I have a kid and he also throws tantrums to us... we try to understand what is the basic reason behind his action. Not always we succeed but then we get to know our child more.
    Children are soft and we should also keep "their" view in mind before burdening them with our decisions.
